Another week is starting! I had a great weekend, so I’m ready to put everything I’ve got into the new week. It’s the last one before the kids go back to school next Wednesday, so I have plenty of organizing, paperwork, and schedules to take of. I think they’re ready, though. Seems as though the high school had some kind of SNAFU with students’ class schedules (Jake’s included), so hopefully that will get fixed before classes actually start! Anyway, let’s get to it!

The weather in my neck of the woods:
Last week was so beautiful and so comfortable and it looks like this week we’re back to horrible hot weather. I hate it so much. Saturday’s temperature looks a lot better, though it’s still supposed to be humid.
Monday – 89/70
Tuesday – 95/72
Wednesday – 94/71
Thursday – 84/63
Friday – 78/61
Saturday – 75/64
Sunday – 82/65
Things that make me happy:
Seeing old friends and catching up, visiting places that were important to me and still feeling the love, getting out there and doing stuff (I’m always happy I did, even when I don’t feel like it at first.)
Book I’m reading:
This week I’m starting Ghosted by Rosie Walsh

What’s on my TV today:
We’ve been watching Veronica Mars with Jake, and when the kids are off doing other things we’re watching Maron. Looking forward to the new season of Ozark coming out on the 31st!
For dinner tonight:
Sausage and peppers
Roasted potatoes
On the menu this week:
I need to do my meal plan today!
Monday – Sausage & Peppers
Tuesday – Roast Beef in the slow cooker
Wednesday –
Thursday –
Friday –
Saturday –
Sunday –
On my To Do List:
Vacuuming, washing the floors, tidying up the kitchen, getting everything organized for the start of school next week.
With all kinds of other fun things going on last week I didn’t pick up my crochet (even though the temperatures would be perfect for it). I think I’m going to take a break from Atlanticus because I keep messing up one one particular round. Instead I want to start on the
Mosaic Baskets from Yarn + Chai and then come back to the blanket.
Looking forward to this week:
Nothing in particular, really. I have two evening programs for work, but otherwise I’m just hoping for a productive week.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Before the concert on Thursday Drew and I walked around Boston Common and just relaxed for a while. It’s such a beautiful spot! The only problem with visiting Boston is that it makes me wish I never left!

Lesson learned the past few days:
Age is just a number and you’re only as old as you feel (or act, I guess!). No need to get all grouchy and feel like to have to sit around just because you’re not in your 20s (or 30s) anymore. Get out there! Create! Make music! Do stuff!