What a Week!

TGIF, friends! Of course, I do work on Saturday mornings so my weekend doesn’t start until about 1 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, but the feeling is still there. All I can say is… What. A. Week! 

I am probably happiest about something work-related, and that is the result of Tuesday’s elections. The funding proposal for the library passed for the first time ever! We finally have a stable base. Voters overwhelmingly showed their support, and while no one ever wants their taxes to go up, clearly they see the value in the library and what we are doing for the community. It’s been a long road, and you’re not going to be interested in the details behind it all, but it is a huge victory for us.


It was a lucky week for me personally, too. I won two amazing prizes in the election day raffle. First, I won this beautiful basket, handmade by a co-worker’s father. It is so rustic and gorgeous, and I can’t wait to fill it with different items depending on the season!


The other item I won is a pick-your-own Christmas tree from one of the local farms! Oh, I cannot express my excitement. I did put a ton of tickets in for it, trying to increase my chances, LOL! I can only remember one time when I was young that we had a live tree. And our current artificial tree is really looking sad — we wanted a new tree last year, but couldn’t make it happen. I was not really looking forward to putting it up this year, so now I am really happy to have a beautiful, fresh tree for the holidays!

Also, my friend was visiting family down in S. Carolina and had just heard about my Rae Dunn obsession. She brought this platter back for me (after she sneakily texted me a pic and told me it was more than I would spend!):


So yeah, it has been a really good week. The weather has turned very cold. VERY cold. Frankly, I am happy to be wearing sweaters and lighting up the wood stove. It’s time.



Well, it’s just about time to eat dinner and then I have to head back to work for a lecture tonight. Between you and me, I’d much rather be home in my cozy PJs ;-). 

New Erin Condren Holiday Designs!

I’m dying over how pretty Erin Condren’s new holiday designs are! I bought a cover with this poinsettia theme. She has an amazing sale still going on — $10 off of 50 or $25 off $100 AND you can add a coupon code on top of that discount! If you are new to EC, you can sign up for the newsletter through my referral link and get $10 off your first order. (You’ll get an e-mail with the code when you sign up).

It’s Monday Again!

Happy Monday evening! It’s sooo  dark out right now. But I have to say I do enjoy it being light early in the morning. It makes it a lot easier to get going! We had a pretty nice weekend here, how about you?

Yesterday I got a lot of cleaning done in the house and Drew blew leaves outside, and put away the grill and patio furniture for the winter. I also made a mini-Thanksgiving — roast turkey breast with gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, zucchini…. I like to do a “practice run” before Thanksgiving to make sure I’ll have everything I need (namely, gravy separator which somehow I always manage to lose!). It was yummy!

It’s kind of funny participating in HHM this late in the day, but I find it’s easiest for me to blog while dinner is cooking so… it’s more of a reflection, I guess! Anyway.

Breakfast time….what is on the plate this morning::::
This morning it was a bowl of Grain Grains cereal and some coffee.

Right now I am:::: 
Sitting in my kitchen and watching the time so I can get dinner started!

The weather outside::::
Today was windy and drizzly. Earlier in the day it was kind of warm and humid, but it definitely got colder as the day went on.

Looking around the house::::
I have to vacuum and steam mop, but otherwise its looking pretty good.

On today’s to do list::::
– Fold laundry

Currently reading::::
Bird Box just came in for me at the library, so I’ll get that tomorrow and start reading it. 

On the TV today::::
No idea! I haven’t even thought about it.

On the menu this week::::

Monday – Pork chops with vinegar peppers, asparagus, baked sweet potatoes
Tuesday – French dip sandwiches (roast in crock pot), battered fries, salad
Wednesday – Taco night
Thursday – Thai peanut chicken, rice, asparagus
Friday – Baked meatball Parmesan, salad
Saturday – Lemon chicken over pasta, broccoli
Sunday – Maybe take-out?

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
I will keep hooking away at the triangle scarf I’m making for myself.

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
Tonight’s pork chop recipe is a new one that I’ve wanted to try for quite a while!   

Looking forward to this week::::

I’m very much looking forward to Election Day being over! Also, I’m looking forward to going to a wine tasting on Saturday night.

Favorite photo from the camera::::
I changed my planner cover to a Thankgiving-themed cover I got a few years ago. I love this one! Excuse my reflection in the lamination, LOL!


Hello, November!


Ah, November! I looooove this time of year. I love the holidays, especially Thanksgiving. I love the coziness. I love candles and twinkle lights and blankets and fuzzy socks. I love making soups, and roasts, and hearty casseroles. It’s my season.

So a lot has happened in the last two weeks. I had a birthday! Yes, I turned 42. Kind of crazy to see the numbers in print, but there it is. I had a full, busy, lovely day. I wore my favorite shoes and went out of my fashion comfort zone by wearing leggings and a shirt dress. I think I actually pulled off the look!


A group of library patrons sang to me at a lunch & learn lecture we presented. I got lots of cards and texts and Facebook birthday wishes. I had tacos and Boston cream pie and totally conked out at the end of the day.


Isn’t that mug so cute? I have totally jumped on board the Rae Dunn train. I’ve admired her stuff for quite a while and decided that I wanted to start collecting it, so as a birthday present to myself, I set out searching for goodies. I got very lucky on my first day out! I wanted a canister and actually found one!


I figure I will just add pieces as I find them. I have no plans to over pay online. I would like to get a couple more canisters, a few more of those oval plates with different sayings (I’d love to find “Nibble”) and add some more cereal bowls and mugs, but I want it to be stuff I really love.


And of course there was Halloween! It’s so different now that the kids are getting older, but it is still fun. The boys had a party at Boy Scouts, and then we went Trunk or Treating on Saturday night (Noah was a magician, Laura was a witch, and Jake was Kurt Cobain). Seems some people have issues with the whole Trunk or Treating trend, that it waters down Halloween or whatever. I don’t really get that. For us, it is an additional event, and it’s a great community event! A local church hosts it and we see so many people and then gather in the youth center afterwards for great food, games, and just chit chat. We cannot trick-or-treat on our street unless I literally drive the kids from driveway to driveway. It is dark, rural, and essentially a one-lane road. This works for our little town.

We still do trick-or-treating, though. We drive into the village of Rhinebeck and the kids all see their friends and it’s a great time. This year, since Laura is in 3rd grade, it was her turn to visit her pumpkin at the Beekman Arms. Every year the Inn donates pumpkins and the third grade classes carve Jack-o-Lanterns. Then, they get a hayride into town, deliver their pumpkins, and enjoys treats. It’s such a sweet tradition, and this is our last time to enjoy one of our little ones participating.

Pumpkins at the Beekman Arms

Pumpkins at the Beekman ArmsLaura decided to be practical and wear an astronaut costume to school instead of her witch costume. It was much easier to put on/take off, and play in!


Pumpkins at the Beekman Arms

Pumpkins at the Beekman Arms


And that brings us up to today! I had a work meeting in Poughkeepsie, ran a few errands, went back to the library for a bit, then got home, did some computer work, made chicken noodle soup…. and I still have to finish laundry, unload the dishwasher, handwash a bunch of pots. Oh, it never ends, does it? LOL! I’m going to get back to it so I don’t have too much to do tonight and I can just relax (hopefully) and we can finish up the last two episodes of “Stranger Things.” Not loving this season quite as much as the first season, but it’s still really good. 

Have a great evening!