CSA 2012 | Share #4


Again, I’m late with my farm share post. This was last week’s yield. It was hot and humid and I was sweaty as heck and I had to drag Jake and Noah with me after camp, but heading to the farm was actually a nice transition between our very active day and our lazy night. I had the timing just-right and the barn wasn’t crammed with people!

We got:

  • 2 heads of lettuce
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 yellow squash
  • 1 sweet onion (alternate choice: leeks — it was a hard decision)
  • a head of cabbage
  • a bunch of carrots
  • 1.5 lbs. of green beans
  • 2 cucumbers
  • a bunch of lemon basil
  • head of garlic
  • PYO cherry tomatoes and tomatillos

We also picked flowers! The boys loved that. And it’s no secret that I do too 🙂


Unfortunately, the carrots got rubbery pretty fast, so I just stuck them in the freezer to use for chicken stock. It was a bummer, but… having them frozen will come in handy.

Menu Plan Monday, Lazy Summer Days

Oh, I cannot begin to tell you how glad I am to be done with summer camps. The boys had a blast and I’m so glad I got to volunteer (unplanned) at Cub Scout Day Camp, but those long days in the sun really wear you out. We have a pretty low-key week ahead, thank goodness! I’m heading out to dinner with a girlfriend on Wednesday night, and Saturday will be something easy because I’m going to see one of my Top 5 Favorite Authors read at a local bookstore. (So super excited about this!!!)

I also hope to stop neglecting my blog. I have to get up last week’s CSA post, still! Anyway, I’m enjoying the lack of having to be somewhere, and soon I need to get organized for the boys’ birthdays and then finally it will be back to school. Seems like a way’s away, but Labor Day will be here soon enough! August always seems to fly.

Enough of a tangent. Here’s what I’m thinking about cooking this week:

  • Sunday: Baked chicken with BBQ sauce, green beans, baked potatoes
  • Monday: Sausage & peppers, salad
  • Tuesday: Take-out
  • Wednesday: Chicken tenders or something easy (I get to eat out!)
  • Thursday: Chicken-tomatillo soup (slow cooker), salad or quesadilla
  • Friday: Burgers, salad
  • Saturday: ???

For more menu ideas, visit Organizing Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday feature.

Camp Stone’s Throw


So, our weekend camp-at-home was a great success! I was so impressed how well Jake handled a disappointing situation, and just embraced the activities we came up with. (Of course, now he’s spending the week at day camp, so he made out OK in the end, LOL…) Anyway! I promised photos to show you what we did, so let’s get to it!

Friday night the guys set up the tent and camped outside. In the morning I made the same type of breakfast they have at any of the scout camp out: hard-boiled eggs, pancakes, and sausage. (I added some bacon in for good measure, LOL). We ate outside (something we rarely do in the morning) and we talked about the plan for the day.



Drew came up with a great list of activities, trying to cover the basics of what they do at camp: arts & crafts, nature, water activities, etc. It was insanely hot out, so we did try to keep things low-key.


The first thing the boys did was go on a nature scavenger hunt. I created a list of things to look for and they found just about all of them!



Then it was time for arts & crafts. Of course, we needed a name for the camp, and everyone liked “Camp Stone’s Throw” — a stone’s throw away from home, LOL 🙂 Now, I don’t know about scout camps in other areas, but around here they have a little cheer that goes with the name. For example, the closest camp to us is Camp Nooteeming. “Nooteeming” translates to “men of the woods” so whenever you hear the name of the camp, everyone cheers, “Men of the Woods!” Similarly, at Camp Bullowa the cheer is “Rah! Rah! Bullowa!” Totally goofy fun. Our cheer was “Stone’s Throw, let’s go!”



They did some archery, made neckerchief holders, and played on the slip & slide in the afternoon.



Then they had some down time before preparing a few skits. Skits are a hugely important part of any camp out! We cooked hot dogs over an open fire for dinner.



After dinner, they boys did a show for me, performing their skits and telling jokes.


Then we ended the evening with s’mores, sparklers, glow sticks, catching fireflies, and playing on the swingset until it was too dark to see 🙂


It all ended up working out wonderfully! I’d highly recommend doing something like this with your kids if you have a free weekend. Honestly, it wasn’t that much work — Drew put it all together on the fly — and it was so much fun for everyone. Definitely a great summer memory!

Backyard Camping, Part 2!

Campfire at home... Ready for hot dogs now and marshmallows later!

I seriously, seriously have the most creative and wonderful husband ever. He has really turned what was a disappointing weekend into something so fun. Other guys might prefer to spend a hot Saturday in the mall looking at DVDs or tv mounts or who knows what. But Drew constructed an at-home scout camp for the day. I will have to do some in-depth writing about it after I download all the photos.

The boys are having such a great time (in fact, they seem pretty worn out!). We just got the chimminea going for our “campfire” so we can cook hot dogs, and then later on we’ll roast some marshmallows.

And what’s strange is that throughout the day, all these little things popped up that made it seem like there really was a reason I screwed up on the date and the guys couldn’t go. Nothing major, but little things: Jake’s bathing suit was never pack (devastating if he had been at camp), a pole on the tent broke… things like that. Make you wonder if someone was watching out for us!

Backyard Camping

Backyard camping. Because mommy screwed up the dates for Webelos Outdoor Weekend.

Sometimes even mommy makes mistakes. And sometimes they’re big mistakes like writing down the wrong weekend for your son’s Webelos Outdoor Weekend. Yes. That was me. Drew and Jake got the car packed up and headed over to the camp only to discover that it was last weekend.

Oh my word, I can’t even tell you how horrible I feel. I have no idea how this happened, but on all three (THREE!) of my calendars/planners, I marked it for this weekend. Luckily, he handled it like a champ and my absolutely amazing husband has an awesome at-home camping weekend planned out. We’re just missing the cheap picnic tables, LOL…

Anyway, we can apply what we already paid towards a week of regular Cub Scout Camp or another Cub & Partner weekend later this summer. I think we might just do the camp since Noah will be going. But still, I can’t believe I screwed that up! On the bright side, it turned out that one of the tent poles was broken, so if they guys HAD been camping away from home last night, they’d be stuck in a tent that wasn’t properly set-up. And it poured for a while, so… maybe it really was all for the best! So strange how things happen that way.


chocolate covered strawberries

I am totally craving sweets today. Remember these? Yeah, those are the chocolate-covered strawberries I got for Mother’s Day. Of course I could get some at Shari’s Berries , but that will not be fast enough. And naturally I’m out of strawberries! Sigh… I’ll have to make due with something else later on. I could dip into my emergency chocolate stash, or maybe have a small dish of ice cream with a bit of chocolate sauce. Or maybe after I eat dinner the craving will go away entirely.

But I doubt it, LOL!

Summertime Rolls…


  • Well after a couple weeks of kicking back and enjoying lazy days, this week the boys started a run of summer camps, making things a little bit busier. And that’s not really a big deal. They enjoy seeing their friends and having something different to do.
  • So far the summer has been… well, definitely seems hot to me! I am such a northern girl. I’m not one to randomly look up property in the Carolinas or Louisville KY real estate. I think I’d melt in the southern heat.
  • I’ve been crocheting a bit, working on a daisy pillow based on the ever-popular Blooming Flower Cushion. Laura has transitioned from a crib to a bed, so I’m making it for her room.
  • I’m totally in a cooking rut. I just don’t feel like doing it, so I’ve resorted to boring (to me) meals consisting basically of grilled chicken or steak and a salad. I am pinning recipes like crazy, I just don’t feel like futzing around in the kitchen.

What have you all been up to?

{CSA 2012} Share #3

CSA 2012 | Share #3

Hoo boy, this post is going up late! Yes, this is Tuesday’s farm share. I just haven’t had the chance to get much blogging done this week. But better late than never, right?

Lots of good things this week, especially the PYO flowers! 20 stems! Laura had a great time picking them out with me. We also got:

  • 3 heads of lettuce
  • kale  & chard
  • 1 bunch of beets
  • 1 sweet onion (My favorite! I just love these so much!)
  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 1 decent-sized bunch of basil
  • 1/2 lb. of broccoli
  • zucchini & summer squash

The chard wilted before I had a chance to use it, but… that’s how it goes with chard. I feel like you have to use it as soon as it’s picked or else it just gets icky. We grilled the zucchini and summer squash on the 4th of July and they were fantastic! I didn’t do anything special: just salt, pepper, and olive oil in a foil packet. Delicious, though.

The beets…. ah, beets. If you’ve read my blog for any length of time you know that beets are my culinary nemesis. I know they’re super healthy, and I think they’re a very pretty vegetable, but I have a hard time getting past the fact that (to my palate) they taste like dirt. Last year I pickled them and that was OK. Back in 2008 I made this beet cake and that was actually really delicious. I’ve tried boiling, roasting and I choke them down, but beets are just not my favorite thing.

Still, I press on. So for last night’s dinner I decided to try them raw. I peeled a large beet and then shredded it in the food processor along with a carrot, a granny smith apple, and some fresh ginger. I tossed the slaw with some champagne vinaigrette and you know what? It was delicious! It’s a magic combination of ingredients that accentuates the beet’s natural sweetness without the earthiness that I don’t like. So that was a win. What to do with the rest of them now? I’ll make the slaw again, but I might resort to roasting.  A friend suggested sprinkling with dill, so I may give that a shot.

Anyway, that’s it for my week in vegetables 🙂