2011 – what a year!


Although I am not a fan of the whole New Year’s Eve thing, I really do enjoy looking back on the year that is passing. In many ways it is bittersweet, filled with lovely memories but also tinged with a bit of sadness of time gone by.

Nevertheless, here we are: December 31, 2011! This year was a crazy one. I’m happy to say that I did pretty well with my yearly goals. I certainly improved my health and took better care of myself. I did not take my writing up a notch, and that was by design. But also, the writing assignments were not so plentiful this year. Of course, at the same time I dabbled in boutique hair bow making and I’ve also had good luck selling my crochet hats as photo props. Honestly, that all made up for the lack of writing work!

I also wanted to kick up my blog and I’m not really sure if I did that. I was contacted for several reviews and hosted a few giveaways. While it was fun, I learned that I really love reviewing products (probably because I’m opinionated, LOL!) but the giveaways are more work than they are worth. So I have to think about where I want to go with that.

There seems to be nostalgia in the bloggy world for how things used to be and I definitely share that sentiment. My blog goal for the new year is to just have fun with it. I remember when blogging was no-pressure, when it was a community, heck when there were (gasp!) no comments! I did it just because I wanted to, because I wanted to share, because I wanted to document it all for myself. And that’s where I want to be!

Here’s a little look back on my year. It’s a classic meme that has been going around for ages and I love it! You post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month.

January 2011

I decided that we needed to start the new year with a big breakfast, so I made a fritatta with smoked ham, potatoes, tomatoes, and onions as well as pancakes (served with the cherry preserves I canned back in July) and sausage.

February 2011
afghan sampler squares - january progress
Last month I was really motivated to start this project and I completed the first two squares.

March 2011

… because he adds sweet little extras to my daily “to do” list when I’m not looking ♥ ♥ ♥

April 2011
If it’s Friday, you know what that means… it’s time to party!

May 2011
balloon wreath
Friday night I had a revelation when the dress I bought about a month ago for my husband’s high school reunion didn’t fit the same way as when I purchased it.

June 2011

Ten years ago I married the macaroni to my cheese, the salsa to my nachos, the peanut butter to my jelly, the butter to my bread.

July 2011
pickled beets
There was a bunch of beets in last week’s CSA share.

August 2011
Hello, friends!

September 2011
Well here we are, heading towards the end of the year.

October 2011
baby elf hat
It has been a pretty easy adjustment to the carb-restricted diet, and even though I don’t have to eat this way, I am and I’m enjoying a lot of benefits, specifically increased energy.

November 2011
Heartstrings Kids Review
It occurred to me that I never put up my CSA post from two weeks ago (life is crazy, and blogging has obviously not been a priority – sorry!).

December 2011
The weather in my neck of the woods: Today it’s sunny and mild ~ in the mid-50s as I type, but I believe it’s supposed to turn colder later in the week, which is OK with me.

Thank you so much for reading my blog, following my ramblings on Twitter, liking me on Facebook, and truly being a part of my life (because you are)! Many of you I have known for years through blogging and you’ve become good friends. Others I know in real life, and still others I only know via my comments. And I bet there are some people who read quietly without saying a word. That’s OK. I do that on a lot of blogs, too, but I would LOVE if you’d say hello once in a while 🙂

If you’re out celebrating tonight, please be safe! I wish each and every one of you a happy & healthy new year! Cheers!

countdown to 2012: desserts

 Countdown to 2011 with Finding Joy in My Kitchen

This week I am counting down to 2012 with SnoWhite from Finding Joy in My Kitchen. She is inviting readers to join in the fun by sharing their very best recipes of 2011. Today’s theme is desserts. This recipe for Sour Patch Grapes is a fun, light dessert when you don’t want anything too heavy.

It also makes a great snack and it’s a wonderful addition to any kind of potluck. I brought these to my son’s Pinewood Derby and they were a hit. I had to laugh every time someone asked me for the recipe because they are so simple and you could even put your kids to work making these.

Sour Patch Grapes (a.k.a. Glitter Grapes)

glitter grapes

countdown to 2012: best main dishes

 Countdown to 2011 with Finding Joy in My Kitchen

This week I am counting down to 2012 with SnoWhite from Finding Joy in My Kitchen. She is inviting readers to join in the fun by sharing their very best recipes of 2011. Today’s theme is main dishes. I’m cheating here a little bit because I really wanted to include this recipe, but couldn’t figure out where to put it, so… it’s going here 🙂

My roasted garlic and sunflower pesto was such a fun recipe to create from our bountiful CSA basil share last summer. You can use pesto in a variety of ways with your main dishes. Naturally, you can use it as a pasta sauce, but it’s also wonderful on pizza, with chicken, or thrown into a batch of roasted tomato soup. I hope you enjoy this one!

Roasted Garlic and Sunflower Pesto

roasted garlic and sunflower pesto 

and the year winds down…

Can you believe the end of the year is upon us? We have no big plans for New Year’s Eve, but someday I’d love to attend some crazy gala just so I can wear a fancy gown. I love dressing up! (Oh to be in high school again and look forward to looking at TJFormal prom dresses and other formal attire for the prom. Such fun!). But it’s more likely that I’ll find myself in my jammies, curled under a blanket, watching a movie instead. And if I’m lucky I’ll stay awake until midnight, but that rarely happens!

The boys both want to try staying up this year, so we’re going to let them. I’m trying to decide on some fun snack foods to prepare to make it a little special. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

christmas 2011

As you could probably tell, I’ve taken a little break from blogging and instead scheduled some posts for this week. We had a wonderful holiday here! Both sides of the family came over for dinner and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves.

I received some very thoughtful gifts including books, a sock knitting kit, jewelry, hand-felted brooches, cookware, and a few other things. Drew was very excited about the dehydrator I gave him (though I still think I’m more excited about it)! He’s been wanting to try his hand at making beef jerky for a long time. It’s a favorite snack and as I’m sure you know — it can be pretty expensive. Making our own will be cheaper and healthier. There are so many things I want to try. In fact, I’ve even started a Pinterest board for dehydrator recipes!

And while in previous years, the chaos of Christmas morning was enough to make me seek a migraine treatment, this year was a lot calmer (though still full of excitement). The boys got plenty of fun toys and so did Laura!

The day flew by and then, just like that, it was over. It’s school vacation week so the boys have had plenty of time to try out their new toys, watch movies, and just relax as we wind down the year.

countdown to 2012: soups & stews

 Countdown to 2011 with Finding Joy in My Kitchen

This week I am counting down to 2012 with SnoWhite from Finding Joy in My Kitchen. She is inviting readers to join in the fun by sharing their very best recipes of 2011. Today’s theme is soups and stews. This was an easy one for me. My black bean soup became one of my most-prepared quick dishes of the year. It’s fast, healthy, and spicy. All of my favorite things! So click on the recipe title to get all the delicious details!

Spicy Black Bean Soup

spicy black bean soup

countdown to 2012: breads

 Countdown to 2011 with Finding Joy in My Kitchen

This week I am counting down to 2012 with SnoWhite from Finding Joy in My Kitchen. She is inviting readers to join in the fun by sharing their very best recipes of 2011. Today’s theme is breads. Oh, how things change over the course of a year!

Prior to September I’d think nothing of making any kind of quick bread or yeast bread. Now it’s a rare treat. But I still enjoy making this banana bread once in a while. Now I use white whole wheat flour and Splenda. I plan to experiment with other sweeteners in the new year, so there might be a new version soon. But if sugar and carbs are not an issue for you, then please give this a try as-is. It is the yummiest!

Banana Bread

Banana Bread

countdown to 2012: breakfast dishes

 Countdown to 2011 with Finding Joy in My Kitchen

One of my favorite blog finds this year was Finding Joy in My Kitchen. If you haven’t visited, make sure you do because SnoWhite is a great source for healthy recipes! This week she is counting down to 2012 and inviting readers to join in the fun by sharing their very best recipes of 2011. Today’s theme is breakfast dishes.

You’re going to have to take my word on this one. The photo isn’t the greatest, and yes I know that the recipe sounds a little… well, strange. I mean spiced ground pork? With milk? For breakfast? Trust me, it took years before I would even try this recipe. But once I had, I was a convert. Yum!


{made by dad} glue gun holster

Who has the best dad ever? I do!!! A couple weeks ago I sent my dad a link to this idea that I originally found on Pinterest:

Source: ebay.com via Carol on Pinterest


How genius is that? My dad is quite the woodworker, so I had no doubt he could make this for me, I just didn’t know how many of my mom’s projects he had lined up. But he was actually able to get on this as soon as he read my e-mail 🙂 He made it all from scrap wood. The only thing he had to buy was the tile used to catch stray glue drips.

Glue gun caddy my dad made

I love the storage area for extra glue sticks. Mine are always rolling around in the cabinet where I (used to) keep my glue gun. Not any more — they’re all corralled!

And because my dad is super smart, he added a couple screw eyes and a mini bungee cord (cut to size) to hold everything together when I’m not using it.

I’ve already tested it out with a couple crafts I’ll be posting soon. It is the greatest! Thanks again, Dad!