It’s kind of a lazy Friday over here: quiet, grey, waiting for rain or thunderstorms or some kind of “weather” to make it’s way. We never did put the Christmas decorations up last weekend, so I think that is going to be this weekend’s priority. I also hope to set up the tripod and get a family photo to include with Christmas cards (which means that I should probably go ahead and buy some cards!) My shopping is basically done. There are a couple things I still have to order online, but I’m not stressing out over anyone’s gifts. I am, however, a little stressed that some of the knitting projects I’m working on will be done in time. Yikes! I might be giving people partially complete-projects and I.O.U.’s.
We’re also having just a couple people over on the 10th (people D. works with) for a wine tasting party-type-thing, so I really need to come up with a pairings menu. Nothing crazy, but still. (He should probably let me know what wines he wants to taste first!) Actually, I think one of the wines is going to be this chamomile infused grappa. I know, sounds odd, right? But it’s really quite amazing, and I’m not a grappa drinker or a fan of chamomile. Once I learned the correct way to taste grappa, it made an enormous difference. You can appreciate something, even though you don’t really care for it, if that makes sense.
The Santa Claus photo-op was a semi-success last weekend. J. was incredibly excited this year and we got a great photo of him with the big guy. N., on the other hand, was absolutely terrified as soon as we got near the North Pole set-up. I am not one to take photos of my screaming child with Santa, so J. went up by himself. I know some people think it’s funny and all, but I don’t like it one bit. It’s not that important, you know? Anyway… The photo of J. is over on Flickr, but if you weren’t on my friends list and didn’t see it, e-mail me or comment and I’ll add you.
I should get some knitting done but I am feeling so lazy today. Maybe another cup of tea will help 🙂
Thanks for the reminder to check flickr. I haven’t been there in ages.
not sure if i am on the friends list… can you add me =)