tuesday tidbits

Pathetic showing on my hydrangea this year. The one and only (sad-looking) bloom.

Wow, last week flew by! This summer has seriously been a blur. So you know what? Let’s just start new this week. With a quick recap. Sometimes bullets are just the way to go.

  • Both of my boys are a year older! They celebrated 10 and 7 last week. I find it so hard to believe that I’ve now been officially a mom for a decade, but it’s true. There was much celebrating all week, and way more sugar consumed than I usually allow. Plus, they had some friends sleep over and we had a party with our family. All in all, I think they had a pretty great time.
  • My tomato plant is going gangbusters, but as you can see, my hydrangea is pathetic this year. I think the hot weather we had early in the spring really messed it up. 🙁
  • The boys have gotten some good pool time in lately. Last week we went to the pool with a friend (you’d think I brought my tanning supplies because after just a couple hours I had more of a tan on my legs than I got all summer!). They also went to a nearby water park yesterday with the Cub Scouts. Summer is definitely ending on a fun note for them.
  • I’ve just been busy with the regular stuff: cleaning, cooking, laundry… nothing terribly exciting, but stuff that does take time. My sewing and crochet have been sitting there, neglected. Maybe this week I’ll pay some attention to them.
  • Oh, one fun thing. I did order my 2013 Erin Condren Life Planner. Last year I was able to buy one at a good discount, thanks to a daily deal site. But no luck this year 🙁 Nevertheless, I feel that it’s worth every penny. It helps me keep track of everything and I can’t wait to see the improvement they’ve made to the new edition! It should arrive just in time for the new school year.

What have  you all been up to? I’ve missed chatting at my little bloggy place. Seems as though the last few entries have been rather boring and impersonal. Well, I’m sure you know how it goes. Sometimes life just gets in the way.

One Reply to “tuesday tidbits”

  1. Well now I’m thinking I want a planner like that! As it is pricey, I’ll need to think on it for a bit, but it certainly seems like something I would use. I do prefer written calendar and to-lists. Thanks for the link!

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