Well, it’s been a while since I last wrote up a CVS post. I thought this week I would 🙂 I had a pretty decent CVS run this week. I know it could have been better if I had split up the trips — I certainly would have paid less out of pocket, but I guess it’s six of one, half-a-dozen of another. I bought 4 Coke 12-packs, a bottle of SoftSoap, 2 bags of M&Ms, Cover Girl foundation, Cover Girl powder, CVS brand Vitamin D vitamins, 2 Wellpatches, Eucerin cleanser, and Eucerin lotion.
Without any coupons or sales or discounts, the total was $87.67 and I ended up paying $33.75 out of pocket and getting back $36.76 in ECBs (including my whopping $1 quarterly reward, LOL!)
To check out ladies who had drugstore runs far more impressive than mine, check out Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom or CVS Superstars at The Centsible Sawyer.
Wow Carol! What great savings! We love our CVS here, maybe I should really start getting the most of my savings there. Hope you are doing well.
*I am slowly coming back into the blogging scene, I miss it and all my buddies.
Great shopping Carol! I wish we had a CVS here. Now I go to Walgreens and am starting to hate the pharmacy with a passion! We had an awesome store in AZ!