The Humble Onion

It’s pretty amazing to me that something so lowly as an onion, can go from something like this:

onion soup

To a fancy schmancy French soup like this:

onion soup

It just takes a little time and a little love. I guess that onion soup could be an allegory for a variety of things that just take patience — relationships, goals, our own personal struggles. I don’t know, maybe I had a little too much red wine after I gave the soup a good “glug” but there was something about it that struck me today.

Anyway… it’s Monday! No menu plan this week because I just don’t haven’t written one out. Tsk, tsk, I know.

Today was a rather warm-ish and sunny day, a welcome change from the past several days that all looked pretty much like this:

foggy morning

Gray. Foggy. Damp. I loved it for the first couple of days, but it started to get a little dreary, even for me. Of course, we do have a little more snow forcasted for mid-week. Seems as though we are actually having a winter this year, unlike last year. Even though I complain (my right, as a cranky Yankee), I secretly love it.

Tomorrow I have a wonderful book review and a recipe I’ll be sharing, so be sure to look for that. Also, if I have the time to get things organized, I’m planning on starting my big crochet project of the year. Super excited to share that, too!

One Reply to “The Humble Onion”

  1. I have wanted to make French Onion Soup for the longest time, as it’s one of my favorite soups. The work that goes into it has kept me from trying. Your soup looks so yummy!

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