The Envelope Please…

Sorry for making everyone wait, but we wanted to call our immediate family first. And then there was dinner, and the boys wanted to do this and that and… Well, you know how it goes! The ultrasound went well and the baby looks healthy 🙂 Ten fingers and ten toes. No flipper babies here! (Sorry, that’s a “Brain Candy” joke for those who might not get it.) And the tech was able to tell the gender. She was certain that we are having a girl! Can you believe it? I had to ask, “Are you sure?” LOL! But the baby’s legs were wide open so her girlie parts were discernable.

Poor Noah was rather distraught and in denial for a good while. He really wanted a boy, but he’s come around. Jake was excited to find out that he’ll have a sister. So there you go! Now I have to run and get the boys washed and in bed, but I figured you have waited long enough. Have a great night!

14 Replies to “The Envelope Please…”

  1. Congrats, Carol! That is so exciting for you and your family. 🙂 We have been contemplating having a 3rd baby…I’m nervous to mess with what we’ve got, but I don’t feel quite “done” yet.

  2. ohhh I am so excited for ya… I was hoping you would have a girl so you wouldn’t be so out numbered hehehe… She will never be able to date with 2 older brothers lol…

  3. Hey, conrats!!! Welcome to the world of *Drama Queens* and *Screaming Princesses*!!!! It’s a wonderful ride! Glad that all is well. I’m sure Lisanne will have some words of wisdom for you. Again, congratulations to you and your family.

  4. We are all so stoked and happy for you guys. 🙂 We have two lovely girlies that we raised and one little flower that we’re helping raise too. Girls are SO special. 🙂

  5. Pingback: And now for something a little different … «

  6. Congratulations! I am so happy you are having a girl. Now I will have to live vicariously through you and oh and ah over all your soon to be pink photos of girly stuff!

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