Yes, It Snowed

Well, it definitely snowed! There was barely a flurry when I went to bed last night and around 5:30 AM I was woken up to the dulcet tones of chainsaws (ha!) across the street. It took me a few minutes to register what the noise was, but then I saw the beacon on one of the highway vehicles and put it all together. The heavy snow weighed everything down and while we have luckily not lost power so far, friends nearby have.

These first two photos were around 7 AM before Drew had a chance to go out, clear the driveway, and shake everything off.

You can see one of the branches on the pussy willow broke.

Same with this tree by the shed – the weight of the snow was just too much for it. Obviously, everything was closed. Both the governor and our county executive declared a state of emergency for the area, which meant no driving on the roads.

Believe it or not it is still snowing as I type this at 6:30 PM! The wind is supposed to kick up tonight, but I am hoping it doesn’t. We don’t need anymore branches down! All told, I think we got around 10-12″ of snow. It’s so hard to say when it is compacted like this, but it is more than enough regardless!

Scenes From a Snow Day

Snow Day

We had another snow day today! Yes, my phone woke me up bright and early at 5 AM with a text that school would be closed due to the forecast. The weather didn’t turn out quite as snowy and slippery as they had predicted, but I was glad the district erred on the side of caution. We all enjoyed a cozy somewhat snowy day!

Snow Day

I started out with some chores. (I don’t work on Wednesdays and I highly recommend the 4-day workweek!) Typically I do my big grocery shopping trip on Wednesday mornings, but because I went on Sunday this week I didn’t need go out anywhere. So I swept, vacuumed, and washed the floors; folded and put away baskets of laundry; tidied up the kitchen a bit; and generally puttered around.


For lunch I made kale & chickpea curry, which happened to come out extra delicious for some reason!

Snow Day

I also made this little cake, just to have something yummy on a snow day.

Snow Day

After lunch I settled down to relax a bit with my book. I am about halfway done with Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica. I feel like I have been working through this forever, and I guess I have but it really is a great read! I had to finish my book club book first. Hoping to finish it up in the next couple of days and then get started on her new one, Just the Nicest Couple.

Snow Day

While Drew was in a meeting I snuck in a episode of Bling Empire New York. I cannot watch this when he is in the room because reality shows like this drive him nuts. Yes, this show is utterly ridiculous, but… it’s a guilty pleasure, what can I say?


While watching trash TV I worked on my shawlette. I bought this yarn at Sheep & Wool back in October –its the Star Shower Collection in Nautilus from Chincoteague Colors. I think I tried two other patterns with this yarn, but neither was right. However, I am loving hooking up the Dragon Fin Shawlette. It’s a pretty easy pattern and shows off the sparkles in the yarn nicely. I will need to get photos in better light!


The cats also enjoyed snoozing quite a bit today. Marlowe was not too thrilled that I woke him up for this photo, but he’s just do darn cute! I couldn’t resist.

Hope you all had a great day too!