Life Planner Launch Day!

 2015-16 Life Planners!

It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Erin Condren products. Up until now I have never gotten in on all the excitement of “launch day.” However, with the new horizontal layout option that’s available, I couldn’t help but jump on it!

My current Life Planner goes until the end of the year, and I don’t plan on giving that one up. I’m going to continue using that one to keep track of my family’s schedule and I’m going to use my brand new, shiny, horizontal LP as a journal and personal goals planner. So do you want to know which design I picked?

 Platinum Prism LP

I have admired the foil planners in years past, but never really felt the need to have one. But this year? With personalization in metallic foil too? Oh yes! I had to have it. I fell in love with this color (peacock), and the decision was pretty easy. I can’t wait to get it — you can be sure that I’ll share every detail with you!

In the meantime, if you’re considering an EC Planner, you can sign up for an account using my referral link. You’ll get an e-mail with a coupon code for $10 off your first purchase of anything on her site. I’ve always been happy with the Erin Condren products I’ve ordered, and this will be my fifth Life Planner, so I feel good recommending it as an organization tool!

Sunday Snapshots

daffodil in a teacup

What a beautiful weekend! The weather was seriously perfect. We have had a lot going on since Friday night, so today we opted to just stay home. Even though I was feeling kind of tired, I managed to get quite a bit done.

I started out with laundry, changing sheets, and remaking all the beds. Is it just me, or does that chore exhaust anyone else? Maybe if it’s just one bed it’s not so bad, but four? Whew…

Two of the bananas in the fruit bowl were getting really brown, and since I had a couple in the freezer too I decided to make two loaves of banana-nut bread. I’ll freeze one and we will have the other for breakfast tomorrow.

banana bread

D. made turkey stock the other night so I decided to make creamy turkey soup for supper tonight along with some garlic-cheddar biscuits. Simple & satisfying!



garlic biscuits

soup & biscuits

After everything was cleaned up, it was time to start planning out the week. I love sitting down with my craft punches, washi tape, and stickers and getting everything down on paper. I will probably never be an electronic planner person. I love my iPhone, don’t get me wrong, but I just have to write it down.


The kids and I are all watching a little TV before their bedtime, and quite honestly I’m ready to crawl under the blankets myself! I think I’ll take a cup of tea, maybe a piece of chocolate, and D. and I will probably zone out to a movie or something.

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend!