getting it together

Friday night I had a revelation when the dress I bought about a month ago for my husband’s high school reunion didn’t fit the same way as when I purchased it. It hugged in all the wrong places. I was horrified — how did that happen?

Well, clearly it’s because I need to get off my butt. Oh, and my nightly dish of ice cream doesn’t help. I’d seen this quote (“A year from now you’ll wish you started today”) posted several times over on Pinterest, and I took it to heart. Sure, I could research products like colonix or go on a crash diet, but really I need to do something that I can continue on a long-term basis. Starting Monday, I was going to make myself get moving.

I planned on digging out my 30 Day Shred DVD, but of course… I can’t seem to find it. Normally, I’d allow myself to wait while I get another copy, but this time I didn’t. Yesterday I put several workout videos in my Netflix instant queue, determined to start doing them until that DVD actually comes in the mail. And I completed one of them this morning, so yay for me! I found Crunch – Boot Camp Training a perfect start for me. Some of the reviews claim that the workout is not intense enough, and if you are fit and work out regularly, I can definitely see that. But for someone like me, I thought it was enough to get my heart rate up, break a sweat, and not get bored. I also didn’t mind the instructor. Seriously, this probably seems ridiculous to some of you, but it’s a big deal to me. I’ve never been much for working out, so I have to force myself to do it. But I did it. And despite the difficulty, I actually enjoyed it.

It also, however, made me realize how out of shape I am. So, as difficult as it is, I am making myself get it together. My plan is to work out 6 days a week, preferably in the morning. I also plan to ease back into yoga and do that after the kids are in bed (instead of having my hot fudge sundae). I’ll be keeping a log of my progress and I plan to share my results at the end of the month. My weight isn’t horrid (though I do have a few to lose again), but my focus is fitness and toning, not necessarily weight loss.

Wish me luck! I’m going to need the support!