Erin Condren Fall Seasonal Surprise Box

Warning! Spoilers!

It’s been a while since I ordered anything from Erin Condren. I’m on the fence about which brand to use for my 2018 planner. (I’m kind of hoping that Happy Planner will have an hourly planner in their fall releases, otherwise I will probably go with EC.) And honestly, I just haven’t needed any kind of stationery products. I wasn’t intending on getting another seasonal surprise box, but when I saw a preview for the autumn one I changed my mind. And I am SO glad that I did!

Yesterday I came home from work and saw this purple box propped up against the garage. I hadn’t even known that it shipped, so it truly was a surprise! 


I had successfully stayed away from all the Instagram feeds and Facebook pages where people were showing off the contents, but I think by now almost everyone has gotten theirs so I don’t feel bad showing you. My box stayed in pretty good shape this time — sometimes the P.O. is so rough with it or adds sharpie marks. I can’t figure out why, but at least it wasn’t the case this time. Because I love purple, this is a box I may keep, especially because I love the quote inside. (And how about that gold tissue paper? So pretty!)

Erin Condren Fall Seasonal Surprise Box

OK, on to the goodies inside! In addition to all of this beautiful stuff, there was a $10 coupon code for a spiral planner or notebook.

Erin Condren Fall Seasonal Surprise Box

I can always use notecards, and these are foil stamped. 
Erin Condren Fall Seasonal Surprise Box

I saw this pattern in the preview on and it’s what convinced me to make this purchase. I love these leaves with foil accents. The cover is gorgeous and the stickers are absolutely beautiful!
Erin Condren Fall Seasonal Surprise Box

My favorite!
Erin Condren Fall Seasonal Surprise Box

There were also some large stickers/labels, a rose gold stamped dashboard, and a cute Halloween planner sticker set.
Erin Condren Fall Seasonal Surprise Box

Washi tape in the same “grateful and thankful” pattern, long sticky notes, and jewel-toned dual tip markers. I have another set of these markers and love how they write, so I am thrilled to have them in my favorite colors!
Erin Condren Fall Seasonal Surprise Box

So there you have it! Oh wait – there was an enamel pin, too, but Laura snagged that. She wanted to put it on her jean jacket and I was happy to let her have it. I’m really happy with this surprise box — it’s full of items I’ll use in styles that I love!