staying organized

tulipsWhen I was waiting to register Noah for kindergarden yesterday, another mom remarked that she didn’t know how I did it with three kids. And truthfully, though there have been hurdles to overcome, generally the leap from two to three children has been easier than one to two. I do give my husband a lot of credit for being a tremendous help. Although I’m nowhere near sane, I’d be a lot crazier if he wasn’t so awesome. But I think one of the keys to keeping things together is having a good household notebook. I am sure a lot of you already have one and I think it really makes your house run smoother. I’m in the process of revamping mine. With the piles of school papers from both boys getting out of control, and having to check e-mail messages or my cell phone every time I needed someone’s number, I realized it was time. Remember: the notebook works for you. You don’t work for it.

I’ve overcome the urge to buy lots of pretty new office suppliesย and I’ve made due with what I’ve found around the house. I repurposed a binder that was a coupon binder in a former life (an example of something that didn’t work for me), and I’ve scrounged around for page protecters, dividers, folders, and other things I’ve needed. I always enjoy taking a peek at other homemaking binders, so maybe next week I’ll do a video entry showing you mine. Maybe someone will get a good idea from it! ๐Ÿ™‚

3 Replies to “staying organized”

  1. I’ve been meaning to put together my household binder and haven’t done so yet, so yes, I’d love to see what you did with yours!!! *hugs* And I’m envious of your three. I’d love to have one more, but hubby isn’t in with that so it’s not going to happen. ๐Ÿ™

  2. I agree, having three for me was no big stretch. It was harder when Henry was a little guy and I had Owen. I felt all sorts of guilt for creating this little intruder. I felt bad because he wasn’t getting the attention he was use to when I was nursing and changing diapers. Plus Owen was a HARD baby with colic for three months or so and he cried all the time. Jack was such an easy baby too so that helped alot! I definitely think it takes alot of planning and being organized to make things work out. I am all about being organized. I create 21 outfits for the kids on Sunday so that’s one thing that I don’t have to think about. That is one thing that helps!

  3. It’s awesome that D. can work from home so much. That’s a huge help right there. Someone on my FB said that she took all five of her children grocery shopping once! OMG ~ how is that possible?!? I have a planner … it’s where I keep everything. Not really a binder, though. I do have a preschool binder, though.

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