I love finding Rosemary Caine stuff. Found someone selling the Infernal EP on Ebay tonight. $24.99!!! I wonder if Drew can collect royalties on that 😉 Caine stuff shows up in random places now and again. When I lived in Somerville, there was this great used CD store called Disk Diggers and they had a Rosemary Caine CD. But they always filed it under “C.” I think they thought it was a woman singer (incidentally there is Celtic harp player of the same name — completely unrelated). That always irritated me. I should have filed it correctly. I think the last time we were in Amherst, For the Record (I think???) might have had some old stuff too. Crazy.
Sometime I’d like to listen to some RC stuff. I don’t think that I ever have. Do they have a website? Hey, if you guys ever decide to have a third child someday and it’s a girl, you could name her Rosemary! haha 🙂 Sorry, that just popped into my head. 🙂
There are a couple songs on the MySpace page that I linked to, and I think you can listen to one on LastFM. Drew has one up on his music page…
It almost makes sense finding RC stuff in your area, but I remember when Adam found a CD at a sidewalk sale during the Sweet Corn festival in Urbana, IL a couple of years ago. But then again, we attended one of the show dates on RC’s Midwest tour some time ago, so maybe that was driving record sales out here. 🙂 May none of us ever find ourselves in Rensselaer, Indiana, EVER AGAIN.