It’s a big birthday week around here. Yesterday my oldest turned 9 and on Wednesday my middle child turns 6! We celebrated with a friends and family birthday party yesterday. It was a little chaotic once the kids arrived, but I think (I hope!) everyone had fun. The mystery theme was hit, and I’ll write more about it during the week.
But now, as much as I didn’t feel like it, I drafted up a basic meal plan. There are a lot of things going on this week that may cause this to change, but it’s always good to be prepared. Right?
- Sunday: Late-night take-out after all the party guests left
- Monday: Super nachos with chicken, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, avocado… the works!
- Tuesday: Dinner out
- Wednesday: Lemon chicken, rice, broccoli
- Thursday: Grilled steak, baked potatoes, steamed veggies
- Friday: Dinner with family
- Saturday: Dinner with family
For more menu ideas, visit Organizing Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday feature.