Menu Plan Monday, 2023 Week 6

You guys, I am sorry for the lame posts the last few days, I have just been so busy during the day and by the time I think about blogging I am just wiped out. Honestly I barely even have a meal plan this week because Drew is travelling for work and I have barely even considered it. I’m throwing some ideas together but… I may very well just be throwing dinners together, LOL. I’ll see how the week goes. 

  • Sunday: Pot roast, mashed potatoes, roasted broccoli
  • Monday: Baked ziti & sausage, Caesar salad
  • Tuesday: Chicken curry, basamati rice
  • Wednesday: Tuna melts, cole slaw, French fries
  • Thursday: Take-out (?)
  • Friday: no idea 
  • Saturday: no idea

Friday night there is a dance, and my daughter is going and then her friend is sleeping over afterwards. Saturday, Drew and Noah will be in the city — Noah has his audition for Berklee. Thankfully no plans for Sunday, so hopefully it can be a day to relax!

Hope you all have a great week!  

2 Replies to “Menu Plan Monday, 2023 Week 6”

  1. I don’t think your posts have been lame. It’s tough to post when things are busy and some weeks I think our posts might be very short. Hope things slow down a bit for you to catch your breath soon!

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