Keepin’ Cool In the Summer Quesionnaire

I hemmed and hawed over whether or not I should join a swap right now, but the lure of the dishcloths was irresistable. I don’t know what it is about those little things but they are so addictive!!! So here I go with the Keepin’ Cool in the Summer dishcloth swap.

1. Do you Knit or Crochet? For how long?
I have been knitting for about three years now I guess? I can’t figure out crochet for some reason (though I used to do it in high school — no idea how I forgot). I have a set of hooks and I am hoping to teach myself over the summer.

2. Do you enjoy using metal, wooden, or some other kind of needle\hook?
I use them all! Whatever I happened to have handy, in the size that I need usually works for me.

3. What are your favorite types of yarn? Any you just can’t stand?
I’m not big on novelty yarns, but aside from that I am not picky. I like various brands of cotton, wool, and (gasp!) even some acrylics, as long as they are soft.

4. When it comes to cotton, are there any brands you’d love to try and haven’t?
Crazy as it sounds, I have not used CottonTots and everytime I am at the store I think that it would make a really soft cloth. I have a decent stash of Sugar & Cream (because I can’t seem to leave Walmart without a ball of it), but I am happy with most varieties of cotton.

5. When you make Dishcloths, do you use them yourself, or tend to give them as gifts?

6. Do you have a favorite color? Any that you dislike?
I love earthtones and natural colors. I’m not really fond of anything too bright (like neons), but I love anything that is cheery-looking.

7. What color(s) (if any!) are your kitchen and bath decorated in?
Kitchen is shades of burgundy, purple, and hunter green with some “country yellow” (for lack of a better word) accents. One bathroom is sage and white, the second is sage and purple, and the third is blue and yellow.

8. What are your favorite scents around the house?
Vanilla, citrus, peach, cotton, cucumber… anything light and clean.

9. What is your very favorite thing about summer?
Picnics!!! I love eating outside. I also love going to the lake, the 4th of July, gardening.

10. What is your least favorite thing about summer?
The humidity! New York can get kind of gross in late July and August. And ticks, too. We live in Lyme Disease country and I am really freaked out by those nasty little bugs.

11. Do you use soap or body wash in the shower?
I tend to use body wash more often, but I love soap too.

12. What scents do you enjoy in the bath?
In the summer I like anything minty or lightly floral (mmm, lilac!) or citrusy. Not lavander though. When I was pregnant with Noah I had this lavander bath soap during my 1st trimester when I was really sick and even now, three years later, I can’t stand the smell! I just associate it with morning sickness.

13. What is your favorite dishcloth pattern?
I’ve been knitting several cloths with this waffle knit pattern from Homespun Living, and even though it’s been done so many times, I still love the ballband dishcloth.

14. What sort of treats do you enjoy? Sweet or Salty?
I like all sorts of things — nuts, chocolate… chocolate covered nuts 😉 Anything with caramel. Anything gummy. Anything cookie-related. Yeah, it’s kind of hard to go wrong in that department.

15. Imagine today is one of the hottest days of the year – what do you do to keep cool? Or are you one of those folks who loves the hot weather?
I’ll probably be on my deck dipping my feet in the kiddie pool while I drink I big glass of iced tea or lemonade and knit or read. Sounds like a perfect afternoon, actually! But I guess if it was really hot, I’d end up being inside with the AC on watching a movie, LOL!

16. What sorts of hobbies do you enjoy besides knitting or crocheting?
Gardening, reading, writing, anything related to food & wine, movies…

17. Do you collect anything (besides yarn!)
I have a collection of milk glass pieces from my grandmother. I also collect corks from wine bottles.

18. Are you on Ravelry? If so, share your ID!

19. Do you have any allergies?
The usual stuff: pet dander, pollen, etc. But no fiber allergies.

20. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a cat named Maggie.

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