Just Call Me “Oscar”

I’ve been grouchy since the moment I woke up this morning, and things just aren’t looking up. Jake has had a sore throat all weekend so we decided to keep him home from school today and I took him to the doctor. They ruled out strep and mono and ultimately came to the conclusion that’s it’s just a viral infection (a.k.a., your typical sore throat). Yes I’m glad there’s nothing wrong with him, but unless you have experienced the joy of being trapped for over an hour in a little room in the pediatrician’s office with two loud, fidgety, unruly children… Well, let’s just say it was stressful (I know many of you can relate) and it sucked to leave there without anything to make him feel better, other than the advice to give him Tylenol and get him to gargle with salt water (both of which I’ve already been doing). Of course now that he knows he’s not really sick, he thinks it’s fine to run around like crazy. Sigh…

Then, I was making chicken soup for Mr. Sore Throat and when I cut into a seemingly fine onion, I was aghast and grossed out to see that it was rotting from the inside out. Oh yeah, that is just what a pregnant lady who still flirts with nausea needs. Awesome.

Then, the other thing that really annoys me is that I forgot to buy plain yogurt at the store when I was there this morning. I figured, if I’m having a crappy day, at least I’ll make something fun for dinner. I was really, really looking forward to my chicken curry. I guess I’ll substitute sour cream. I don’t need a lot, anyway. I just like a little on the side. But still, it’s like I had this whole, wonderful vision of dinner that just won’t be the same. Days like today make me want to pack up my things and run away and go to truck driving school and buy a CB radio and start talking in trucker lingo.What’s your 20?

Alas, that’s not going to happen. I don’t really like driving anyway. Instead, maybe I’ll just scarf down that last piece of cheesecake in the fridge.

One Reply to “Just Call Me “Oscar””

  1. Hmm … I’ll tell you something else that will also make you grumpy: there’s no date on your blog posts. I figured that you wrote this entry today, though! 🙂

    So sorry that you’re having a crappy day. 🙁 Did the onion make you barf? I hope not. 🙁 Sucks that Jake is sick … at least it’s nothing serious. Does he actually gargle? I don’t know if I could get Lucas to understand how to do that yet, but he’s still very young.

    You as a truck driver. Hmm. I don’t think that I can quite envision that. LOL! 🙂

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