i’ll melt with you


Ah, I’ve been enjoying a brief taste of spring this week! I’ve been waiting and waiting for a bit of a thaw and it has finally arrived. Naturally, a cold has arrived with it. I’m feeling so sneezy, stuffy, headachy, and generally blah. With the crazy fluctuations in temperature, I can’t say that I’m surprised.

Otherwise, it’s been a busy week and I’ve been trying hard to keep my head above water. I had a bunch of writing deadlines, the laundry has been piling up, and I had a stack of clothes that I needed to take to the consignment shop (which I finally did today). I also still have to transfer a bunch of files off of my old laptop onto my new one.  My husband’s computer has been giving him a lot of trouble lately. Maybe with our tax refund he can get a new one. I saw him checking out Compaq laptops the other day.

Well, I am going to keep this short. I just wanted to check in. I promise a more interested blog post tomorrow. But for now, I just want to get into my jammies and finish my book before zonking out!

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