Happy New Year, 2023!

Dried orange ornament with bay leaf

Happy new year! It’s January 1st, so you know what that means… yes, I pop onto my blog and say hello and say how much I miss blogging regularly and how I have every intention of being more consistent. And yes, it’s true again this year! 

Actually in 2022 I just felt called to keep things a little more private for a variety of reasons. I also was incredibly busy with work, as we were gearing up for a funding vote in November. I’m hoping 2023 won’t be quite so intense and I’ve already vowed to not say “yes” to any new committees or group memberships.

I’m hoping to focus on on a few other areas like health (I have gained more weight than I’d like to admin over the last couple of years and a few other things have popped up as well, so this will be a primary area of focus), hobbies (calligraphy, scrapbooking, blogging — obviously, and crochet really took a backseat last year with everything else we had going on in our family)and home (decorating projects, some rearranging, taking the time to put out seasonal décor, and doing some major decluttering)I think all of these intentions make sense and have achievable aspects.

With all this in mind I am going to take on the Blog365 challenge and share something every single day this year. Maybe not a lengthy post, but a photo, a recipe, or a quote will find its way here. Your guess is as good as mine if I’ll keep up, but I’m going to give it a go!

Wishing you all a fantastic year ahead!

3 Replies to “Happy New Year, 2023!”

  1. Happy New Year! I’ve missed seeing you in blogland. Definitely understand about life being super busy and sometimes wanting to keep things more private. I’m looking forward to seeing what you post each day.

    • Thank you, Jean! I have missed making the rounds of everyone’s blogs and I am so glad to see you’re participating too! Definitely looking forward to re-connect with a bunch of people!

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