Father’s Day 2007

I hope all the dads out there had a nice Father’s Day! I did my best to make Drew’s day fun and relaxing. I let him sleep in (of course, he still got up just after 6), and then let the boys give him his present. Drew has never liked using my camera. He’s found it difficult to figure out — too many features and whatnot. So, in the last few weeks I’ve noticed him picking up my old Olympus (circa 2001 — actually, it was his wedding gift to me). Now, this camera is slower than molasses, eats up batteries, and let’s not forget that the images are a whopping 2.1 MP. Wow!!! So, I decided that he deserved his own. I found a nice little Nikon point-and-shoot that I thought would suit his needs perfectly. I think I did good. He seemed very surprised and very happy!

Our day was pretty relaxing. We took a picnic lunch to the park and ate and ran around and played for a long time. Then we decided to get soft-serv ice cream cones at Del’s in Rhinebeck before heading home. We put Noah down for a nap, Drew and Jake watched The Empire Strikes Back while Jake played with his Transformers and Drew continued cleaning up my virus-infested laptop. And surprise, surprise: I fell asleep for an hour! Apparently I was seriously asleep too because Drew said Jake was poking me and giving me kisses and I was dead to the world. So clearly I am tired these days because napping is NOT something I EVER do.

After everyone woke up Drew cleaned up our little old Weber grill (somehow we managed to let the tank go empty on our big gas grill!), I watched the boys while they ran around outside, and then we fed them, bathed them, put them to bed, and started on dinner for ourselves. We made big juicy burgers and washed them down with Frei Brothers Reserve Merlot. (Good wine, lots of cherry, but a little thin, honestly. I’ve got $10 bottles that I think are equally as good. But it’s so easy to drink and it’s reliable and I’m sure that is why so many people buy it.) We watched the first episode of The Prisoner while we ate. Drew bought it on DVD and couldn’t wait to start re-watching all the episodes. (It’s one of his favorite shows ever.)

All in all, a good day!

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