Beautiful colors this week! (As always, really). We got 2 heads of lettuce, 3 leeks, 3.5 lbs. tomatoes, 3 lbs. (I think…) of red potatoes, 2 lbs. or so of onions, 2 zucchini, 1 winter squash, 3 peppers, 1 bunch of turnips, 1 cuke, 1 head of garlic, 1 eggplant. I skipped on the greens this week (didn’t see us fitting them in, honestly) as well as the PYO stuff (because it was all wet and muddy in the fields).
I don’t have grand plans for anything, really. Some roasting. Some sauteeing. Some salads. Etc. I spent last Saturday morning peeling, slicing, and making pickled vegetables (zucchini, carrots, and peppers). I had grand plans to lactoferment some cucumbers into pickles, but I wanted to use whey (a la Nourishing Traditions) instead of salt. I only had two small cups of plain yogurt in the fridge, and draining them even until Monday didn’t result in enough whey to make a jar, so I’m putting that project back on the shelf for another time. I will probably give sauerkraut a try soon, as I know we’ll be getting cabbage in the next couple weeks. I’m looking forward to that!