CSA Share #11

CSA Share #10

Guess how much eggplant we were supposed to take this week? Five! Five eggplants! Is that crazy or what? I guess this year the eggplant harvest is a wee bit out of control, LOL. Though I only took three. I supposed I could have taken two more for my neighbor. (She always has the neighborhood gossip on everything from foreclosures to speeding tickets.) At any rate, here’s the rundown:

1 head of lettuce
3 leeks
1 lb. carrots
2 cucumbers
2 lbs. onions
5 cherry tomatoes
2 tomatoes
1 zucchini
1 squash
3 eggplants (though our share was 5 — FIVE!)
2 green peppers
1 garlic clove
1 watermelon
1 cantalope
dill, basil, cilantro
20 stems of flowers

I accidentally picked a couple sunflowers and was promptly scolded by some mean old lady down the row. There was a very sweet old lady near me who made me laugh because she waved her hand at Mrs. Meanie and told me just to cover them up, LOL…

I still have last week’s leeks so I think tomorrow I’m going to make a double batch of potato-leek soup and freeze it. (Next month is September after all.) Drew’s going to make a sauce using the garlic, onion, and basil. Eggplant… sigh, I’ll figure out something. Fennel… I’ve never, ever cooked with it before, so I have to look up some recipes. Otherwise, it’s straightforward salad veggies, really. We’ll see what I come up with.

10 Replies to “CSA Share #11”

  1. I have used fennel before it ahs a anise falvor and smell to it.

    I love it sauted in a garlic, olive oil and some white wine to degalze the pan. Then serve over anything you like. Chicken, pasta……

    I love seeing your pictures on tuesday of your harvest. I wish my garden was giving me that much.


  2. Oh my goodness. I hate to say it, but my CSA sucks 🙁 It looks nothin like this- maybe 1/3 the amount, wilting and no vibrant colors like yours! But still, you can’t beat the CSA mission and the opportunity to get fabulous organic veggies and fruit straight from the farm. I might have to shop around a little more though as I see your CSA is kicking my CSA’s butt…

  3. I really do think that your CSA is giving you way more things than ours is! We’ll see what happens on Friday, but … last week, we didn’t get as much as that. Very strange. Can I be curious how much yours cost? Ours was $450 for the summer … but we’re splitting that with another family, so we only spent $225.

  4. I’ve never cooked with eggplant, mainly because I’ve heard horror stories about it. Is it easy to work with? Love all your CSA pictures, BTW. Makes me want to head out to our farmer’s market this weekend.

  5. can you freeze eggplant? LOL… and why did you get yelled at about the flowers lol… but I hate fennel… yuck… but I hate anything that nastes like licorice… yuck!

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