Christmas Recovery

Whew… what a whirlwind of an extended weekend! Our Christmas was very nice. The boys were completely spoiled by their grandparents (we took a low-key approach to gifts this year – one big gift for the two boys and a few little gifts – Jake got a Play-Dough set, some action figures, overalls; Noah got an AquaDoodle and an AquaDoodle roller, a toy cell phone, and they both got movies to share). Drew loved his gift from me, which was a much needed new MP3 player. I also got him the kit that allows you to listen to it through your car’s speakers, the Tom Waits 3-CD set, and the still-unfinished Irish Hiking Scarf. He gave me a ball winder (yay!), a necklace, a comfy pair of felt clogs with embroidered flowers), some candy, and some goofy temporary tatoos (because I keep saying I’m going to get a real one someday), and few other little things. The huge, big, suprise gift though blew me away (and it’s for everyone): in February we’re going on vacation to Woodloch Pines Resort in the Poconos! It’s a family resort and all-inclusive. Kind of like a cruise on land! I was so surprised. Months ago we threw around the idea of going back to Disney in February, but then scrapped it because we thought it would be too hard with Noah right now (he refuses his stroller 9 times out of 10). So this will be awesome!

In the meantime, the boys are also enjoying toys from their grandparents, who, as I said, spoiled them rotten. Jake’s favorites are a Leapster L-Max from his grandma (he seems to like it, though honestly I really didn’t want him to have anything like this already — it’s just a gateway to other video game things), and two sets of Magtastik toys from Babci & Dziadziu (magnetic building materials which he LOVES). Noah loves his LeapFrog Alphabet Train set from Babci & Dziadziu as well as the TMX Elmo (which I have to admit makes me laugh, too).

Dinner was lovely and I’m officially sick of spinach strata. This morning I made some ham salad to use up the rest of the ham. Otherwise I sent leftover home with everyone. Today I’m trying to make sense of the house and organize and clean. I’m so ready to take all the decorations down. I also need to put the dates into my new 2007 calendar. We have nothing planned for New Year’s Eve. I might make fajitas or something fun like that. We’ll see; I have time to decide. Lunchtime now! Hope you all had wonderful holidays as well!

2 Replies to “Christmas Recovery”

  1. That’s so cool about Woodloch Pines! We used to go there all the time when I was young. We didn’t live that far away (Scranton) so we’d drive in and go for their famous smorgasbord. My entire family would go… there’d be over 25 of us! That’s when smorgasbords were good, and not the buffet type stuff of today! Anyway, I think you guys will really enjoy that place!

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