Another Week Down

TGIF! Sure, we all are home, but I say Friday is Friday so cheers to that. We made it through another week

Things were busy here, that’s for sure. I so admire my kids’ teachers. They’ve all stepped up and managed to work out this remote learning thing in record time. Kudos are due to my daughter’s 5th grade teacher, especially. I can’t say enough about the communication and organization. She even mailed students packets with work and a chapter book that the class was already scheduled to read. The kids focus on their schoolwork in the morning, then after lunch they may take a break and then finish up any “homework” or other projects.

Me? I feel like I’m putting in more work hours at home. There are so many briefings and webinars, plus social media management, e-book/audio-book purchasing, patron management… plus I completely forgot that I need to write 40 questions (2 books) for the high school Battle of the Books program, so I am frantically working on that as well.

Of course, there’s also the regular household duties of cleaning and cooking. Truthfully I wish I could just focus on those things! The one thing about being home during this time is realizing how much I miss just being a stay-at-home-mom, but… those days are long gone, LOL! I’m just thankful that 1) I have a job and 2) even when I’m not working from home it’s pretty flexible.

Most days, meals seem to be the highlight. I’ve made several delicious dishes this week including roast chicken and Buffalo chicken mac & cheese. We’re definitely eating more bread and pasta and potatoes than we usually do, but I kind of feel like everyone is.

We are hanging in there, and honestly still looking forward to the weekend!

One Reply to “Another Week Down”

  1. The pictures on the news of New York are pretty scary. I can’t imagine it. Peanut butter toast sounds like a great breakfast. My husband got me a little bit hooked on Ozark (of course, since I live in Missouri, I enjoy seeing the lake scenery the most) but he’s seen all up to season 3 and I haven’t. It’s actually stopped upstairs on season 1 episode 1 where I was folding laundry. Something distracted me but I don’t recall what it was. Praying you have a healthy, safe, and peaceful week.

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