2012 Crochet in Review

Ah, it’s New Year’s Eve… If you know me at all, you know my great disdain for this faux holiday. I kind of consider it “amateur night” and prefer to stay home. I’ve just never been a fan. Still, it’s kind of natural to reflect on the past year and since I’ve just been reorganizing my yarn stash, I thought it would be fun to do a little crochet retrospective.

I started the year out making baby photo props for a friend of mine. It was exciting and encouraging that someone wanted to purchase my work! No, I wasn’t rushing out pricing car magnet printing for my hats or anything, but it definitely set the tone for the year and kept me motivated. Most of this stuff I blogged about, but some of the projects only made it to my Facebook page. Ready? Here we go!

First up in 2012 were the bunny hat sets. Oh my! While they were adorable I have to admit, the Homespun yarn was a beast to work with. Splitty, prone to fraying, and generally frustrating. I think I made 10 of these in all.

bunny set

Then there was the baby giraffe set I made for a basket my craft group put together for a charity auction. This was such a fun project!

giraffe baby set - front

giraffe baby set - back

I made this blooming flower pillow for Laura’s bed:


And these Iron Man fingerless mitts for my husband:

Finished up my husband's Iron Man mitts. He can't wait to wear them to the comic book store :-)

There was the Country Christmas Garland:

Country Christmas Crochet Garland

The owl hat for my niece:

owl hat

A Dr. Who hat for Jake:



And a yet-to-be-finished checkerboard pillow for Noah:


There were other projects along the way that were started and abandoned, or never photographed. In 2013 I want to make sure I document more of my craft projects! And do more craft projects. Honestly, this doesn’t look like so much to me when I put everything up here, LOL… But it was a busy year and I probably thought about crochet a lot more than I got around to working on the projects.

But that’s exactly what I’m going to do tonight. As I said, I’ve been reorganizing my yarn and I’ve collected all my kitchen cotton into a basket and the plan is to start cranking out some new dishcloths tonight. Mine are faded and grubby, so why not start the new year with a pretty new stack?

However you plan to spend the evening, be safe and see ya next year! 😉

What a Week!

santa was here

Whew… what a week. So much for the ideal, relaxing Christmas. I feel like I’ve been going full steam since Sunday. Just one more day to get through, though, and then I can hopefully wind down 2012 on a calmer note.

So… Christmas happened! We spent Christmas Eve with Drew’s family. As is customary, Drew and I took our usual goofy hold-the-camera-out-to-there shot.

goofy christmas eve pic

When I showed him this one, I laughed like crazy. He said that I looked like a maniac. Ha! Yeah, pretty much. At least I was able to get a photo of all three kids, together, smiling, looking at the camera! It was a true Christmas miracle.

christmas eve

After dinner, we high-tailed it back here to put out cookies for Santa and tuck the wee ones in bed. And can you believe it? We woke up to snow! It was so pretty!

white christmas

Christmas morning was full of presents, coffee, cocoa, doughnuts, and getting things ready for lunch. This year Drew’s mom sent us a Honeybaked Ham, so we had that along with penne vodka and salad. It was a fun, but exhausting day.

The next day, Jake had a playdate, which turned into a sleepover. We also had a snow/sleet storm, which, while not ideal, was not as bad as it could have been and allowed for some good playtime in the snow on Thursday.

Today my parents came down to exchange gifts, visit, and have lunch. It was much too short a visit this time, but we’ll head up to Massachusetts soon. Mom did love the loopy scarf I made for her – yay! Of course, I didn’t take a photo of it (or the scarves I made for Drew’s mom and aunt), so I guess I’ll have to make one more so I can write up the tutorial.

We all were certainly spoiled this year. Mama got a fancy new bike, books, jewelry, scarves, movies… The kids are awash in Legos, Wii and DS games, Lalaloopsies, Strawberry Shortcake, books, craft stuff… Oh boy! And Drew really seemed to like the Wacom tablet I gave him to hopefully make the photo editing for his comics easier.

Tomorrow morning I work at the library, and then we have a birthday party to go to. After that? Honestly, I’m thinking of picking up pizza and a bottle of chardonnay on the way home and not doing a darn thing all night.

For New Year’s Eve I’m thinking cheese fondue, fun appetizers, a movie or two, and seeing who falls asleep first. All bets are on me 😉

I hope your holiday was full of good cheer! Do you have any exciting plan for NYE?

Christmas Home Stretch

holiday scents

OK, are you guys all ready for Christmas? I am about as ready as I’ll ever be. The pillow I’m working on for Noah might not be done in time, though 🙁 If that’s the case, I’ll give the boys their handmade gifts on New Year’s Eve — I just need a couple more days. But maybe I’ll rally tonight and get it done, who knows?

Anyway, today I’ve just been puttering around the house. I folded and put away a few baskets of laundry, made homemade pizzas for lunch (Hawaiian for the kids and Chicken Cordon Blue for Drew and myself), and finished up some last-minute gifts.


secret sewing

piles of yarn

The kittens had the right idea, I think 🙂

sleepy kitty

Drew took the boys to the comic store for a while this afternoon and brought home dinner, which meant no cooking for me! So I think I’m going to indulge in a cup of tea and a cannoli and see how far I get on that pillow.

sweet dreams

Sweet dreams!

{Recipe} Peanut Butter Pie

peanut butter pie

There are two desserts that stick out when I think about my childhood: Lemon Lush Pie and Peanut Butter Pie. I’m not even sure if my mom made either of these very often, but I loved them both. One day last week, when things weren’t going the greatest, I joked on Facebook about “stressed” just being “desserts” spelled backwards, and suggested pie was in order. My brother mentioned peanut butter pie and I could not get the idea out of my head.

My dad e-mailed me what what on mom’s recipe card and I put it all together for dessert on Sunday night. It was almost as good as I remembered… but mom’s is still better 🙂 It’s simple to throw together, and you could probably freeze it, too.

Peanut Butter Pie

1/3 c. peanut butter
8 oz. cream cheese, room temp.
1 c. powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 c. Cool Whip
graham cracker pie crust

Beat together  peanut butter and cream cheese until combined. Stir in powdered sugar. Fold in vanilla and Cool Whip. Empty into pre-baked graham cracker pie crust, smooth the top, and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

This pie also kicks if you use one of those Oreo pie crusts. But all I had was the regular graham cracker one, so I guess I will just have to make it again!

Chilly, Rainy Monday


Here we go, starting the week. I feel like it’s such a weird time right now… I’m trying to feel joyful about Christmas next week, but I have such a hard time feeling happy when I know parents (and an entire community) just about an hour away are grieving and coming to terms with a new reality. Nevertheless, life does go on. I’m hopeful that we all will learn something from this horrific event, and maybe somehow it will all make us better people.

The Weather:::  It’s cold, rainy, and nasty outside. I really would love a little snow.

Right now I am::: Watching cartoons with Laura as she plays with Legos.

Thinking::: About last-minute gifts and Christmas preparations

On my reading pile:::
Probably not the most thrilling reads for most people, but they’re interesting to me 🙂 Flirting yet again with the idea of grad school. It wouldn’t be for a few years, and I’m not positive I want to make the committment (not to mention shell out the money), but in the meantime…
What They Don’t Teach You in Library School by Elisabeth Doucett
The Portable MLIS: Insights from the Experts by Ken Haycock (Editor), Brooke E. Sheldon (Editor)

On my tv:::
I’ve mostly been watching old SNL on Netflix lately, and occasionally an episode of Oddities.

On the menu for this week:::
Sunday: Gyros, chick pea salad
Monday: Chicken burrito bowls
Tuesday: Steak, baked potatoes, green beans, salad
Wednesday: Boneless BBQ pork ribs, broccoli, corn bread, salad
Thursday: Leftovers or out to eat
Friday: Chicken Parmesan, whole wheat spaghetti, salad
Saturday: Potato-leek soup, burgers, salad

On my to do list:::
Laundry, vacuuming, wash the kitchen floor

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I need to finish a few crochet Christmas gifts still!

Homemaking Tips:::
Use your old dryer sheets to clean your faucets. Simply wet them with warm water and scrub. It helps remove mineral deposits.

Looking around the house:::
It’s all a big mess because cleaning was just not important to me over the weekend. I really need to tidy everything up.

From the camera:::


On my prayer list:::
Residents of Newtown, especially the families of the victims
Friends and family
Peace of heart for so many who find themselves sad or troubled at this time of year.


Linking up: Happy Homemaker Monday at Diary of a SAHM

Sunday Snapshots


I don’t know about you, but it’s been a weird weekend here. I just haven’t been able to shake the horrible feeling I think each of us experienced upon hearing about Friday’s tragic shootings. Thank goodness we don’t have cable TV because I know the news coverage would just put me over the edge. It was bad enough that I broke down in tears upon seeing the front page of the paper when I brought it into work at the library on Saturday. Luckily I was able to get it together before anyone came in.

I just didn’t really feel like doing much of anything. As I said, I did work Saturday morning, and the boys attended a day-long Advent celebration at church. We did do one exciting thing, though… we brought home the two new kitties we adopted! Meet Pepper and Margo.

Pepper and Margo! First day home.

Pepper was going after some stray cucumbers that fell on the floor during dinner.


Margo was being so cute.


They are 6 months old and very lovey and very playful. They already fit right in with our family!

There was also tea drinking.


And gingerbread house decorating.


I also made a peanut butter pie for dessert and it was so super delicious! Yes, I will be posting the recipe later this week. But for now, I’m going to get the kiddos in bed, get in my PJs, and call it a night.

Still Loving It…


A year ago my dad made me this awesome caddy for my glue gun, complete with a tile to catch the glue drips and a box to hold extra glue sticks. It is still completely awesome. I had to fix some Christmas decorations this morning, and it was nice to not have to balance my glue gun on that little flip-down foot that never really holds it up. Love it.

A Crazy Week

This week has just flown by. I’ve been so busy with so many different things. I wish tonight I could just curl up after dinner and spend the evening relaxing with my family, but we have a scouting activity to attend, so the coziness will have to wait until later. Years ago when I lived in Boston bedroom furniture would have been the thing I wanted most on a night like this — a big bed, soft pillows. But tonight I’d be happy anywhere, so long as my family is nearby.

Experiments in Millinery


I know, I know… I’ve already blown the write-every-day-for-a-month thing. Would it excuse me if I told you I was under the weather for two days and then had a totally crazy busy weekend? No? Ah well… I understand 😉 Well, let’s start again, shall we?

My littlest is spending a couple days with Grandma, which has given me time to get a ton done. Yesterday was cleaning/shopping. Today is crafting. Topping the list? A new welding beanie for my dad. Yes, my dad welds. I know, I am lucky to have my own personal welder 🙂


I have been trying for well over a year to figure out a welding cap pattern that fits him correctly. This really shouldn’t be hard! A while back he gave me an old hat that had been worn through, so I took it apart to see exactly how it was constructed and I made my own pattern from it.


After a couple cups of coffee, and quite a bit of cursing, I think I got it. Now, let’s just hope it fits!
